
Sales.Rocks Case Study with
Small Business Rescuer.

“We’re literally a couple of weeks away from
our full marketing launch.

Sales.Rocks will be our anchor marketing software for identifying and reaching Small Business Owners In The United States, then in 2022 we’ll expand internationally.“


small business rescuer

About Small Business Rescuer.

Our unique offer gives a small business more than $20,000.00 in resources to help them recover from the damage done by the pandemic.



Company size

11-50 Employees


United States & Canada

The Challenge

There were two main issues.

🛑 Issue #1 was identifying small businesses in the service niche category for the United States and Canada. Getting decent data is expensive and Sales.Rocks solves that issue.

🛑 Issue #2 It’s challenging and expensive to make businesses aware of Small Business Rescue’s services. The built-in email campaign system in our tests has been fantastic.

The Solution

➡️ We’re currently in our first phase of launching Small Business Rescue. Sales Rocks has given us the ability to easily target businesses that need our help.

➡️ Our unique offer gives a small business more than $20,000.00 in resources to help them recover from the damage done by the pandemic. We needed a way to be able to reach these business owners in a cost-effective way. Sales.Rocks did that and more.

➡️ We’ve just completed our initial tests and Sales Rocks passed with flying colors. As a result, we’re now going to add more marketing emails to increase the leads that we can create using the Sales.Rocks cold lead email marketing system.

The Results

✨ “In our test, we only used one email address. We sent 510 emails and achieved an 11% open rate. To receive an 11% open rate and have so many of those people directly connect with us by phone impressed the heck out of our team.”

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Small Business Rescuer – Case Study

small business rescuer sales.rocks case study