Complete and Accurate Company Data.
Get a whole picture of all companies in your ideal customer profile from over 115M companies and never miss out on opportunities.
Schedule an Assessment Call with our team to get a customized data sample based on the company profiles you need, for free!
How it works?
Filter the right companies
Filter companies from a specific area, target small businesses and enterprises by revenue or find new clients based on technology data.
The Company Search unique filtering system allows comprehensive and accurate company filtering.
Find all important company data insights with Company Search.
Take advantage of a full company view in one place.
- Industry, Revenue & Size
- Social Media Profiles
- Hierarchy in a Company
- Technologies
- Recent Recruitment Events
- Company Growth
Create new sales opportunities
Build your prospecting lists based on your Ideal Customer Profile. Update your CRM with information about companies that are a perfect fit for your business.
Use our Company Database
to find your ideal customers.
Schedule your assessment call and get your free company data sample from our team.
The Best Solution for
SMB and Agencies.
Our clients
How Company Search helped our clients
Company Search for small business
“Utilizing Sales.Rocks allowed us to find all businesses within regions near to our office that had less than 50 employees.”
Company Search for cleaner targeting
“A longer mailing list for my email sales funnel to target in our CRM producing better conversions due to cleaner targeting. ”