

Find and buy email addresses for Contact in the Netherlands

Need to contact your business network? Get access to contacts from all registered companies in the Netherlands and buy email addresses easily.

Email addresses of all decision-makers

Finding your targeted list email addresses

Sales.Rocks gives you access to 3.9+ Million company records in the Netherlands with 4.2+ Million Contacts.

Filtering out your address list

With the Sales.Rocks unique filtering system, you can prepare an email address list of your targeted audience by job titles, company details and location of the contact.

Buying email addresses

Once you find your specific list of contact you can easily buy the email addresses within a few clicks, No registration or subscription required.


GDPR-compliant & verified Email Addresses

Buy your email address list within few clicks.

Get a full contact list with email addresses according to your business requirements.

Buy only verified Email Addresses

Up-to-date Database of Email Addresses

The Sales.Rocks Database is regularly updated in a cycle of 90 days. Each cycle of email addresses is re-verified with an internal process before making it available to the client.

Time-saving CRM enrichment

Enrich your existing CRM database

Buy email addresses for the missing data in your CRM. Get your list of emails for contacts that are already in your pipeline and start your campaigns with direct email addresses from your prospects.


In-house GDPR processes

Each data subject is notified per email for the information collected within our database with the option to opt-our from the database at any time with a quick data removal process.

Buy email addresses in quick steps

Sales.Rocks quick data exports

You can buy email addresses with the Sales.Rocks quick data export with the option to narrow down your email address list to a very specific target.

Curious how to quickly buy email addresses?