
Quality Over Quantity – How We Make ISO 20252 Work For Our Customers

Updated on November 1, 2021

In the increasingly competitive business environment with expanding global opportunities, business-to-business marketers need to demonstrate their ability to provide accurate and credible services to their B2B customers, now more than ever. This, however, should be conducted in the most professional manner, and in accordance with applicable, internationally recognized codes of conduct. Here the ISO Certification 20252 standard comes into effect.

Five months have passed since the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) made updates to its ISO 20252:2019 (which covers market, opinion and social research) standards. The revision of the standards includes insights and data analytics. What’s more, service requirements have caught attention as companies strive to put out the best version of a product or service on the market that will ultimately lead to customer satisfaction.

Sales.Rocks (part of Sample Solutions BV) is one of the companies awarded with ISO 20252:2019 certification for data quality. Our decision to work towards this accreditation demonstrates our commitment to providing a high-quality service to our clients.

At the same time, it shows our ongoing investment in technology, development and workforce improvement.

So, how do we apply the ISO Certification 20252?

Sales.Rocks is a data-based business. In order to become ISO 20252:2019 compliant, we developed a data quality management system, a system for initial assessment, documentation, review, and audit.

Therefore, there are systems in place to ensure traceability, as well as uninterrupted workflow, and data security across the business functions.

We use external, secure platforms, as follows:

  • Full contact data is generated through the Sales.Rocks platform, hosted by Amazon Web Services.
  • Finance is based on a secure online enterprise, via Zoho Books.
  • Company email servers are provided by Google (G Suite) as well as administration functions.
  • All projects are also stored in the designated section of the Sales.Rocks upon delivery to the client.

The first step for users to benefit from our B2B database is by signing into the Sales.Rocks’ platform. Our service offers a unique password per order after the client passes the general verification process, and is equipped with a limited number of downloads per order to prevent outside attacks, or eventual abuse of data.

For general protection, the link to the platform automatically expires after twenty-one days. However, the client can still access the original files past the expiration date upon request, as these are securely archived.

Each project has one potential ID, and that ID is the unique identifier for the whole project. This includes all the project parts, and external/internal complaints that may appear at any point.

A Practical Scenario

Let’s say that a client wants to enrich 50,000 contacts with our Enterprise model – Sales Toolkit.

The workflow of the project process starts in the project initiation phase with the client, when a Request for Quotation (RFQ) is placed. The Client Service Manager (CSM) is responsible for ensuring that the client’s requirements are clearly understood at each stage of the research process.

Therefore, before commencing, the project’s feasibility is checked. When a client requests a quotation, the Sales Team must first check with the Data Team whether the request is plausible. Upon approval, the Sales agent creates a count project (feasibility check) on the Sales.Rocks’ platform.

As for all other projects, the Sales Team must wait for the Data Processor (DP) to confirm the order. According to the Data Quality Management System procedure, the DP checks if all required sources, templates and tools are in place for further execution towards the requested 50,000 contacts.

If the requested data points are not obtained, the team checks if they can be created. The DP informs the CSM about the feasibility check outcome of the request.

If for example, we are not able to enrich those 50.000 contacts, we can look into the option of outsourcing them. This is performed confidentially, as the potential subcontractor meets strict criteria in the form of compliance, quality, pricing and speed checks. The outsourced data would be classed as compliant when submitted under the ISO certification. Alternatively, the provider will be asked to complete a detailed ‘Data Due Diligence Audit’ report.

The CSM will confirm project’s status and changes with the client once the Data Processor confirms whether the project is conceivable or not. The CSM must then change project’s status in the system.

Thereafter, the CSM creates a new follow-up project. Until the project potential is changed to “Closed – Not Yet Delivered”, the project does not move forward to the implementation, and execution stage.

In order to ensure continuous sample quality standards and improvements, only authorized personnel (Data, Sales, Office and Management Teams) have access to project’s documents.

A Sneak Peek at Our ISO for Data Quality Check Procedure

Due to the fact that Sales.Rocks runs different types of projects (e.g. different data processing projects), there is a specific Data Quality Check procedure for every project in place.

The Quality Check system has been created as an in-house tool for internal data quality control. The main goal of the system is to enable safe and secure file transfers between company employees, as well as the appropriate data quality checks before the file is sent out to the client.

The quality check procedure of data is based on the closed loop method. This means that in every stage of the process, feedback is generated for future projects, potential future pitfalls are identified, as well as complications that might arise. So in case there are problems detected, instant feedback is sent to the appropriate Head of Department.

From there, decisions can be made on resolving the current issues found in the project and also process, and implement methods to make sure the problems do not reoccur in the future.

For example, when a project conducted with the Sales Toolkit module is completed, the company undertakes three internal quality checks. The first two quality checks are made by the Data Team. The third and final quality check is carried out by the original CSM who created the project in the first place.

Moreover, all public domain sources are regularly checked by the Data Protection Officer who makes sure that all terms and conditions from the sources are respected and fulfilled.

Then, all files are sent internally and externally via SSL secure encryption and are delivered on our secure, password-protected web platform Sales.Rocks.

Finally, the project is closed, and files are ready to be sent.

Now, let’s Talk About Feedback

Additionally, with the exception of internal feedback, the system provides the option to gather feedback from external factors e.g. clients.

In order to evaluate the data quality, and the work of the CSM, after the file is delivered to the client, and has been invoiced, a Customer Satisfaction Survey is sent out within six weeks. This survey contains five questions with a score scale from one to five.

In case the average question score is three or below, the CSM follows up with the client to see what’s the issue. Afterwards, it is registered as an external ticket, to be resolved as soon as possible.

Final Thoughts

At Sales.Rocks we strongly agree that adopting, and applying the ISO 20252:2019 standard for data quality is critical if we want our company to stay on top in the competitive B2B market.

Having this ISO standard implemented, our clients are assured that Sales.Rocks is fully committed to maintaining the highest efficiency, and responsiveness towards achieving guaranteed client satisfaction.

In the future, we aim to meet our customer’s highest expectations by staying focused on our long-term goals for continuous improvement of our data quality, and service. This ISO certification further strengthens our commitment to customers and our company’s Quality Policy.

Therefore, we encourage other SaaS businesses to consider ensuring that their companies meet consumer satisfaction, and company objectives, while complying with applicable regulations, reducing risks, and driving continuous improvement.

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